运动的 消息

大谷翔平同意与道奇队签订一份合同:10年7亿美元(1014亿日元)。 美国职业棒球大联盟历史上的最高价格。

来自洛杉矶天使队的自由球员大谷翔平决定选择道奇队作为他的下一个目的地。 这份合同价值10年、7亿美元(1014亿日元,1美元=144日元),是MLB历史上的最高价格。

大谷在 Instagram 上宣布了这一举动。

To all the fans and everyone involved in the baseball world, I apologize for taking so long to come to a decision. I have decided to choose the Dodgers as my next team.

First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone involved with the Angels organization and the fans who have supported me over the past six years, as well as to everyone involved with each team that was part of this negotiation process. Especially to the Angels fans who supported me through all the ups and downs, your guys’ support and cheer meant the world to me. The six years I spent with the Angels will remain etched in my heart forever.

And to all Dodgers fans, I pledge to always do what’s best for the team and always continue to give it my all to be the best version of myself. Until the last day of my playing career, I want to continue to strive forward not only for the Dodgers but for the baseball world.

There are some things that cannot be conveyed in writing, so I would like to talk more about this again at a later press conference.

Thank you very much




从2018年开始,他为天使队效力了六年,但从未进入过季后赛。 他对团队胜利的渴望,而不是他的个人表现,可能是转会到道奇队的原因。

自 2013 年以来,道奇队每年都进入季后赛,并在 2023 年排名西区第一。作为美国职业棒球大联盟中最具竞争力的球队之一,凭借出色的表现赢得世界大赛并非不可能。 进入季后赛的机会。


计划召开新闻发布会讨论该交易。 看看大谷将如何解释他此举的原因将会很有趣。


大谷在 2016 年 WBC 训练赛期间与道奇队的阿德里安·冈萨雷斯进行了交谈。 最终,大谷加入了天使队,但我们对这段对话很好奇。


7亿美元的合同金额是职业体育史上最高的。 (合计计算)



-运动的, 消息