What do excellent students in India teach about study methods that all students should know?

In this article, we will introduce the study methods that are practiced in India, where there are many excellent students.
If you do not know how to study, why don't you refer to it?

What are the study methods taught by Indian students?

When he was a student, Mr. Singh, an Indian, was always among the top three students in his grade, and spent 8 to 10 hours every day studying.
What is the secret behind the study method recommended by Mr. Singh, who has spent a considerable amount of time studying?

Try not to eat much before studying

Shin says that no matter how hungry you are before studying, you should not eat until you are full, but should limit yourself to about half of your appetite.
If you do get hungry while studying," he says, "you should try not to eat until you are full.


Try to drink water while studying

Shin says he used to try to drink water while studying. Drinking coffee is better, as dairy products and other drinks can make you sleepy. But coffee is not good for your health in the long run, he said.


Turn off the lights in the room

Shin says that he used to study only with a small lamp on the table, without turning on the lights in his room. Naturally, this is not good for the eyes and sacrifices vision.

Optimizing chair and table height

Shin says that the height of the chair and table should be adjusted so that the elbows are at 90 degrees.

Wear comfortable clothing

When studying, students should wear loose-fitting clothes that allow them to concentrate, he says.

Go to bed early at night

He says that, if possible, you should set aside time to study in the afternoon and early morning. To do this, you need to go to bed early at night.

Keep going until you get bored.

Many people talk about how one should study while changing subjects. However, Mr. Shin felt uncomfortable with this. Mr. Shin said that he would continue studying the same subject, topic, or theme for about 10 days, and when he became bored, he would study another subject.


Do light exercise once a day

Shin says he used to go for a light run once a day. He said that if he studied in the morning, it would be best to exercise in the evening.

Drinking milk before bedtime

Mr. Singh used to drink milk before bedtime. He says it is important to maintain good health for optimal studying.

Control your phone and social media use.

To study in an excellent environment, you need to control your phone and other devices.
Tell yourself that these are things that will hinder you from achieving your goals. Don't let your phone control you.
People who have achieved great goals in life are in control of themselves.


These are the study methods taught by the best Indians.
They will be more habitual than study methods, but they will be essential to keep you going.
