

Learning New Things Easily and Quickly with ChatGPT

2023/7/15    ,

In this video, we explore the experience of an individual who successfully educated themselves using AI (ChatGPT). They faced challenges in self-learning, such as exploring learning resources, creating a curriculum, and setting a study schedule. However, the introduction of AI led to significant progress in their ability to independently acquire learning skills and knowledge in various subjects. Here are six ways they utilized AI to aid their self-education journey: Applying the Pareto Principle: Using the principle that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes, they had AI create a learning plan focused on the topics they wanted ...


Recommended grammar learning e-books written entirely in English. For people who want to learn American English

2022/11/5    ,

Understanding grammar is important when learning English. If you do not understand the rules of English grammar, you will not be able to construct sentences correctly. Grammar becomes negligible when you become a native-level English speaker, but grammar is also necessary for beginners. Beginners and native speakers who have been raised in an English-speaking environment have very different approaches to language acquisition.It's not so sweet that you can easily acquire it just by listening to English. First of all, it is necessary to understand the rules of grammar and then input a large amount of "understandable English". If you don't ...


Learn english grammar in english. A book that even adults can learn English in their spare time.

2022/10/18    ,

Every language has rules called grammar. Grammar is an effective way to start learning the language as the first step to getting a general idea of ​​the language, but beyond a certain level grammar becomes unconsciously interpretable.Learning is necessary to reach a certain level, so make use of books that can acquire basic knowledge of grammar. When learning grammar, it is better to study in the language of each country, but if you want to learn English at a higher level, read all books written in English.   Complete English Grammar Rules: Examples, Exceptions, Exercise, and Everything You Need to ...


A collection of English learning materials written entirely in English. Recommended books for learning English words

2022/10/16    ,

Understanding words is very important in learning a language. If you don't understand words, you can't make sentences. As long as you know the meaning of words, it will be easier for you to understand sentences, and you will be able to express your thoughts in English.This time, I will introduce English vocabulary learning materials sold on Amazon. It's all written in English and you'll have a hard time reading it. But if you understand basic English, you should be able to read on. The Vocabulary Builder Workbook: Simple Lessons and Activities to Teach Yourself Over 1,400 Must-Know Words This ...


What are the OTS rules for learning English easily?

2022/7/1    , ,

On Quora, the question "How can I learn English easily?" was posted on Quora.We have received many answers to this question, so we will introduce some of them below. OTS rules for languagesThey say that when you learn a new language, it means you are reborn into a new society.We listen, observe, imitate, and utter just like a newborn baby. These processes are important.The OTS rule of language is a rule proposed by one of the experts at EngVarta, an English learning app.O (observe), T (think), S (speak).He says it means to observe the language people speak while they are ...


How to think and speak in English without translating in your head? How to Speak Fluent English in Everyday Life

2022/6/11    , ,

The channel "Speak English With Tiffani" explains how to think and speak fluently in English.For many people who translate English in their minds, understanding English as it is in English without translation in their minds is a goal.Translating slows down the speed of understanding and interferes with interpersonal conversations. Get into the habit of thinking in English to hone your speaking skills. She talks about the importance of the "5W method" for thinking in English; 5W stands for "Who," "What," "When," "Where," and "Why.Since she is an English teacher, she explains English vocabulary in the video, which includes many useful ...