

The secret to speaking English fluently using chunks


In this video, Andrea from RealLife English discusses "word chunks" as a key element in achieving advanced fluency in English. She emphasizes the importance of word chunking as an effective approach to learning and remembering vocabulary effortlessly in a natural way. The video explains what chunking is, why it's important, and practices how to use it through different exercises. Andrea defines chunks as "sequences of words that naturally come together as units of meaning," and explains the importance of learning words as meaningful units rather than individually. This approach, she says, eliminates the need to build up words one by ...


Improve your English speaking skills. Chunking improves fluency


This video provides 5 tips to improve your speaking skills for those who want to improve their English. Instructor Keith provides advice to help you improve your score on the IELTS speaking test. He focuses on learning speaking through listening, using automated vocabulary, improving fluency, pushing your comfort zone to gain confidence, and choosing the right tools.   "Learning to speak by listening" emphasizes the importance of learning natural English through listening, and explains that it can be expected to improve pronunciation and understanding of context. "Automating Vocabulary" shows you how to make new words and phrases come naturally to ...


How to increase English vocabulary and online learning


Steve Kaufman talks about the connection between reading comprehension and vocabulary growth in language learning. He emphasizes the importance of doing different learning activities and explains that each activity helps in language learning in a different way. For example, he says that conversation groups practice using words you already know, while listening can strengthen your passive vocabulary and improve your comprehension. Kaufman cites reading as the main way to learn new vocabulary. He explains the difference between extensive reading and intensive reading, and how these methods can help you learn new words. In particular, he says that reading a physical ...


Why you should move on even if you don't fully understand when learning English


Steve Kaufman states that listening and reading comprehension are the most important goals in language learning. He emphasizes the importance of accepting imperfect understanding without trying too hard to understand it completely. He explains that by gradually improving your understanding, your speaking ability will eventually improve as well. Kaufman points out that aiming for complete understanding is an obstacle when studying a language, and advises that you should move forward even if you only have 60% or 40% understanding. He quotes German neuroscientist Manfred Spitzer, who says, "The brain needs repetition and novelty." He explains that a balance between repetition ...


Understand English tongue twisters


This video provides tips on how to understand how native English speakers speak fast. First, explain the difference between people who speak in public and people who speak in informal settings, with the former speaking in a prepared manner and therefore easier to understand, while the latter speaking in a dialect or unplanned manner. He says it is difficult to understand. He then emphasizes the importance of diversifying your listening practice and recommends listening to different types of English, such as reality shows, podcasts, and chat shows. He also explains the importance of actually speaking English and suggests using platforms ...


Habits that improve your English skills


Emma from mmmEnglish offers four specific ways to improve your English skills by doing things every day. She notes that language learning takes time, effort, and persistence, and stresses the importance of making language a part of your daily life in order to be successful.   1. pronunciation practice Emma recommends practicing pronunciation daily. This is not to get rid of accents, but to speak clearly enough for others to understand. Many advanced learners, she says, have trouble communicating because of pronunciation problems. Emma recommends learning IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) and using her imitation lessons.   2. absorb English every ...


Practice methods to improve your English speaking skills


This video explains how to practice to improve your English speaking. In particular, we focus on how you can practice your English when you don't have anyone to talk to. The method is ``learning English through imitation.'' This is not just repeating the words of a native speaker to improve your pronunciation, but also trying to reproduce the conversation or story you heard in your own words. Specifically, he proposes a method called ``easy-to-hard imitation,'' in which students start with small phrases and short sentences and gradually move on to larger sentences and full speeches. This allows for implicit learning ...


Recommended grammar learning e-books written entirely in English. For people who want to learn American English

2022/11/5    ,

Understanding grammar is important when learning English. If you do not understand the rules of English grammar, you will not be able to construct sentences correctly. Grammar becomes negligible when you become a native-level English speaker, but grammar is also necessary for beginners. Beginners and native speakers who have been raised in an English-speaking environment have very different approaches to language acquisition.It's not so sweet that you can easily acquire it just by listening to English. First of all, it is necessary to understand the rules of grammar and then input a large amount of "understandable English". If you don't ...


Learn english grammar in english. A book that even adults can learn English in their spare time.

2022/10/18    ,

Every language has rules called grammar. Grammar is an effective way to start learning the language as the first step to getting a general idea of ​​the language, but beyond a certain level grammar becomes unconsciously interpretable.Learning is necessary to reach a certain level, so make use of books that can acquire basic knowledge of grammar. When learning grammar, it is better to study in the language of each country, but if you want to learn English at a higher level, read all books written in English.   Complete English Grammar Rules: Examples, Exceptions, Exercise, and Everything You Need to ...


A collection of English learning materials written entirely in English. Recommended books for learning English words

2022/10/16    ,

Understanding words is very important in learning a language. If you don't understand words, you can't make sentences. As long as you know the meaning of words, it will be easier for you to understand sentences, and you will be able to express your thoughts in English.This time, I will introduce English vocabulary learning materials sold on Amazon. It's all written in English and you'll have a hard time reading it. But if you understand basic English, you should be able to read on. The Vocabulary Builder Workbook: Simple Lessons and Activities to Teach Yourself Over 1,400 Must-Know Words This ...