Capture cards


Best Capture Card for PS5

2022/7/26    , ,

Many of you may have purchased a PS5 and are looking for a capture board to record game screens. PS5 requires a capture board that can record in 4K resolution. There are not that many types of capture boards that support 4K recording, so there are only a few capture boards that can be used for PS5! In this article, we will discuss whether you should change to a new capture board for the PS5 and recommend a capture board that can be used with the PS5. Preparation for PS5 screen recording PlayStation 5 screen recording is no problem if ...

LIFE entertainment

For Game Capture Beginners | The Difference between Software Encoding and Hardware Encoding

2022/6/12    , ,

Game capture cards can be equipped with Software Encode Hardware Encode There are two types of processing formats: software encoding and hardware encoding. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and few people clearly understand the difference between them.In this article, we will explain the differences between software encoding and hardware encoding, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Please use this as a reference when constructing a game playback environment. What is a capture card? A game capture board is used to record game screens such as PS4 and Nintendo Switch. By using a capture card together with recording ...


Best capture cards for Macbook

2022/6/10    , ,

You need to check in advance which operating systems the game capture card is compatible with, such as Windows, Mac, and Linux.If your capture card is not Mac compatible, the special software may not start or may not be able to to connect.In order to record games comfortably, the compatibility between the capture card and the PC you are using is important.In this article, I will introduce a game capture card that is compatible with Mac OS.In particular, since it also describes which specs are recommended among Macs, it would be good to check the specs of the computer you ...