

How to Start affiliate business with AI tool "Rytr" and rental server "bluehost”

2022/8/21    ,

We are in the middle of the worst economic situation where incomes are low and prices are high.In an effort to make our lives a little richer, I came up with an idea.Let's make money from abroad where prices are even higher!"I hope that those of you who have arrived at this page have the same idea.In order to live a little richer in Japan, which is now on the verge of dropping out of the developed world, we will explore ways to earn money from overseas.In this article, I will introduce an affiliate method using the rental server "bluehost" ...


How to efficiently publish affiliate articles using Rytr.

2022/8/21    ,

In order to earn money by publishing a blog or affiliate site, you need to gather traffic, but the preliminary step of article writing is much more difficult.Writing is a creative activity to create 1 from 0. For those who are not used to thinking about writing, it can be a painful process.However, with Rytr, the process of thinking about writing can be greatly shortened because the AI will present you with ideas and article structure suggestions.In addition, Rytr's rewrite function allows you to rewrite already existing text so that you can improve your shopping site or product pages and ...


Solutions for when you can't think of a blog post and how to write a slushy post.

2022/8/20    , ,

When you start updating your blog posts, you may run into the wall of not being able to come up with an idea for a post. No matter how much you think about it, you cannot come up with an idea that can be made into an article, so you tend to rewrite an existing article at random or change the blog design for no reason anyway.This kind of behavior is especially common among novice bloggers. Since they do not know how to structure articles or what articles are necessary for their blogs, if they run out of ideas, they ...


Is Rytr the best AI tool for bloggers? Features and Reviews

2022/8/20    , ,

There is "Rytr" as an AI tool that automatically generates sentences. Just enter keywords and generate blog post outlines and sentences in just a few seconds, making it a powerful support item for bloggers. Coming up with article ideas and writing articles is a burden, but using AI tools can greatly reduce it. But can it be used on a practical level in a real blog post? Many of you may be wondering if just churning out low-quality text is actually just generating text that is completely useless. In this article, I will introduce my impressions of using Rytr and ...



Summary of Hiroyuki's advice on sideline blogging

2022/6/26    , ,

A number of clipped videos about Hiroyuki's blog have been uploaded to YouTube.Blogging is sometimes recommended as a side business, but what are Hiroyuki's thoughts on blogging?Here is a summary of the videos and a summary of the important points. Hiroyuki's Blogging Advice Earn money with a side business blog A questioner who applied to Google Adsense for a blog summarizing the content of a radio show talk and was rejected for lack of originality complained about why this was the case when YouTube monetizes content that is not original, such as clippings.In response, Hiroyuki responded that Google Adsense is ...


What is the strategy for blog outsourcing that many people misunderstand? How to monetize your blog as an individual blogger


The YouTube channel "Osamu Yuki, Let's start a web business with blogging" talks about the strategy of outsourcing blog posts.Many people write their own articles on WordPress or Livedoor blogs. Writing blog posts is harder and more time-consuming than you might imagine. Everyone will wonder if someone else can do this tedious writing work for them.The method that comes to mind is to have someone else write the articles for you. Outsourcing blog posts frees up your time and saves you the trouble of writing them.The following video discusses strategies for outsourcing blog posts. Strategies for Outsourcing Blog Posts Minoru, ...


[Free to use] Explanation of how to use Rytr, which automatically generates sentences. Will it make writing blog posts easier?


Updating blog posts is quite difficult, isn't it? Thinking of a topic for an article Thinking about sentence structure Research Writing There are quite a few hurdles to overcome before an article is actually published.For this reason, many people are looking for ways to write blog posts as effortlessly as possible.Ideally, the articles should have a lot of content for the readers and be written in a logical structure.Logical writing requires thorough information gathering and good sentence structure, but many people may not be good at writing.This article introduces Rytr, an AI-based automatic sentence generation service for such people.This article ...


How to Earn Foreign Currency with an Adsense Blog that Transcends Language Barriers


Two mainstream methods of monetizing blogs are Google Adsense and affiliate marketing.Adsense generates revenue each time an ad is clicked, while affiliates earn a commission each time a product or service introduced on the blog is purchased.In this article, we will explain why we recommend Adsense for making money with your blog. Is Adsense hard to earn money? Often people say, "You can't make money with Adsense."This is because you need a large number of hits in order to earn a large sum of money with Adsense.As a rule of thumb, you need more than 1,000,000 PV to earn 300,000 ...