

Which is more profitable blogging or YouTube? Understand each characteristic and earn profit.

2022/11/12    ,

Blogging and YouTube are becoming more and more popular as a way to make money online, and new entrants are likely to keep popping up every day. YouTube is flooded with videos that haven't been played more than 10 times a month after being uploaded.In a situation where there is too much competition, only the top few percent of players will survive, and a large number of unknown users will spawn like zombies. Isn't there a lot of people who are cautious about whether they should enter YouTube in this situation?This time, I will compare blogs and YouTube and think ...


Do you ever run out of blog posts? How should I search for material?



Is it possible to make a living from blogging and affiliate income?



What should I do to make money with a free blog?


You can make money with a blog, but many people are introducing the method of opening WordPress using a rental server. However, rental servers cost money every month, so people who don't want to spend as much as possible hesitate. So it seems that I will start exploring if there is a way to create a blog for free.The first thing to remember is that it's hard to make money with a free blog. To make money blogging, you need your site to appear at the top of search results, and free blogging tends to put you at a disadvantage. ...


Getting traffic is the most important thing to make money with your blog.


To make money from your blog, you need traffic. Advertisements are the main source of income for blogs. If you can't see the ad, you can't make money.Recent search engines tend to display sites that specialize in specific genres at the top. This is an evaluation metric called completeness. Sites that comprehensively publish content in a specific genre tend to be displayed at the top as highly specialized sites.This means that you must have a high level of expertise in a particular genre. Or get really passionate about it and get into it.If you can produce content that is as ...


What should I do to start making money from my blog?


When you make money from your blog, advertising is your main source of income. Post ads on your blog and get paid when clicked. This type of advertising is called click-through advertising.Google is the leader in click advertising. If you can apply and pass your blog to Google Adsense, you will be able to place advertisements.Another monetization method is affiliate marketing. Post products and services you want to introduce from Amazon Associates, ASP, etc. on your blog. If a reader makes a purchase, you will be paid a performance fee. In order to receive performance rewards, you must access the ...


The difficulty of making money with a blog


Once you start a blog and get traffic, you can start making money. Do you know how much you can earn with how much access?First of all, let me say that it is extremely difficult to make money with a blog.My prediction is that more than 80% of people will give up even if they start a blog.It's hard to make money with a blog. In other words, it is difficult to continue.Why is it difficult to continue? Because it doesn't make money.Unable to earn → Won't continue → Unable to earn → Won't continueIf you fall into such a ...


How to use Rytr to increase your side income.

2022/8/25    , ,

Rytr is an AI writing tool based on GPT-3 natural language processing technology. By simply entering keywords, Rytr generates sentences for blog posts, emails, and other purposes.Although it needs to be improved in order to make the text actually publishable, it is a powerful assistant tool for those who have no idea of how to compose a blog post.We have actually used Rytr and thought about how it can be used to make money. Rytr Why you can make money using Rytr If you sign up for Rytr's Unlimited plan, you can generate an unlimited number of texts. Eventually, there ...


Why I don't recommend free blogging services if you want to make money.


When starting a blog, you have two options: free blogging services and paid WordPress.If you have no prerequisite knowledge about blogging, you may be drawn in by the lure of free, but if you want to make some money, we do not recommend a free blogging service.On the other hand, if you do not need to earn money, there is no problem at all with a free blog.In this article, we will summarize and explain the disadvantages and reasons why we do not recommend free blogging services.To avoid choosing a path that you will regret at the start, make sure ...


How to automatically generate YouTube video descriptions that are tedious to think about.

2022/8/21    , ,

As anyone who has uploaded videos to YouTube knows, videos have an area for entering a title and description.While the title is required, the description area is often skipped because it does not necessarily need to be included.However, the description of a YouTube video is also considered important for relevance to search keywords. If the description field is left blank, it will be difficult for the video to be displayed at the top of the list, even if it is relevant to the keywords that the user searched for.Describing the description field of a video based on keywords in this ...