
Seven differences in thinking and behavior patterns between the poor and the rich

This time, I will introduce "7 differences in thinking and behavior patterns between the poor and the rich". If you feel like you are poor, you may be doing what poor people tend to do. Rich people tend to do things that rich people tend to do. I would also like to acquire the following thoughts and actions.

aren't you watching tv

Poor people watch TV. Rich people read books. how many hours a day do you watch tv
While you are watching TV, the rich are reading, accumulating knowledge, and repeating their thoughts. When was the last time you read a book? How many books do you read per year? It's good to look back on your life.

don't sell time

Poor people receive money by the hour. Rich people get money from their achievements. The rich put results first. Let's say you work for 1000 yen an hour. No matter how hard you work, how much you sweat, or how much you cry, your hourly wage is 1,000 yen. It is useless to go on strike. Your salary will never change. The world's highest-paid athletes practice for hours without getting paid. The rich get money as a result of the employees working. It doesn't matter how long you practiced, it's how much you achieved.

don't criticize others

Poor people criticize others. The rich blame themselves. Poor people try to blame others for their misfortunes. Economics, politics, sports, work, your boss at work, where you live, your neighbors, your friends, everything is caused by something other than yourself. The rich take responsibility for themselves. If you feel unhappy it's your fault. While complaining to others, the rich review their actions. Cultivate the power to change, the power to do something different.

aren't you saving

Poor people save money. The rich invest. Here are some ways to save money for the poor. Carrying a water bottle, saving points, saving electricity, saving gas, cutting food costs, saving money here and there.
How much have you saved? What can you do with that money? are you going on a trip?
When you go on a trip, do you start saving from zero again? No amount of money can make you rich. It's an income issue, not a savings issue. The rich know that they can only get rich by investing or starting a business. This may be due to my reading.

Are you content with the status quo?

Poor people think they know everything. The rich are always learning. Poor people talk about themselves. I just enthusiastically talk about myself. I believe that the environment around me is everything. This mindset will be hard to fix The rich keep learning.
Ask questions, observe carefully, listen, and keep reading.
Do you know why the rich have the mindset of the poor?
Because it's important to get attention. Like the poor, the rich also watch TV, watch commercials, and watch YouTube.
Poor people leave comments on YouTube.
"What a boring video"
If I leave a comment, will it turn into money? Your comment has no value. Your comment is not important. Remember. Your income will only grow at the same rate as you.

don't you think money is bad

Poor people believe that money is evil. Rich people believe that having no money is evil.
"Money is the root of all evil
You may have heard the term. Is that so?
Look at the poorer areas of the world. Crime, drugs, all sorts of problems are caused by lack of money. Have you ever seen someone rob a bank in a luxury car in history?
Crime in this world is always caused by lack of money.
Money is neutral and like a tool. It can also be used for evil. It all depends on you.

didn't you buy a lottery ticket

Poor people have a lottery mentality. Rich people have a spirit of action. Poor people think that winning the lottery is the only way to get rich. That's why I like lotteries. They keep chasing the illusion of getting rich quick in the lottery.
If all goes well, you may be able to buy a house. I may quit my job. I hope it works. Rich people have a spirit of action. Believe that everything is up to you and act accordingly. No need to rely on a third party.
Never rely on the lottery.
