
Learning New Things Easily and Quickly with ChatGPT

In this video, we explore the experience of an individual who successfully educated themselves using AI (ChatGPT). They faced challenges in self-learning, such as exploring learning resources, creating a curriculum, and setting a study schedule. However, the introduction of AI led to significant progress in their ability to independently acquire learning skills and knowledge in various subjects.

Here are six ways they utilized AI to aid their self-education journey:

  1. Applying the Pareto Principle: Using the principle that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes, they had AI create a learning plan focused on the topics they wanted to learn.

  2. Instructing AI with their available study days and time, they had it create a study schedule that accounted for revision and testing periods.

  3. Having AI suggest a variety of learning resources such as videos, books, podcasts, interactive exercises, and allowing themselves to learn from these resources.

  4. Asking AI to generate project ideas, engaging in active learning by working on those projects.

  5. When encountering uncertainties, they relied on AI to answer simple questions or explore complex topics.

  6. Applying the Socratic Method to AI, a technique that enhances critical thinking, logic, and reasoning skills through questioning, to strengthen their own logical thinking.

Additionally, they started live streaming on Twitch, where they practice skills such as coding, game development, animation, and more in real-time.

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