
Is ChatGPT's Text Generation Capability Superior to Humans? The Future of Evolving AI Generators

In this discussion, we explore ChatGPT, an AI system reportedly used by over 100 million users worldwide. One notable strength of ChatGPT lies in its impressive natural language generation capability. For instance, when comparing the phrases "The bread on the table was delicious" and "The bread was delicious from France," humans might find the latter a bit peculiar, whereas machines do not share the same perception. This raises a challenge where ChatGPT can generate expressions that humans might consider "machine-like." However, through extensive training on vast amounts of text, ChatGPT can avoid such expressions that would trigger the sense of being generated by a machine.

Nevertheless, while ChatGPT excels at producing human-like text, it poses the challenge that the generated content is not necessarily always true. It is crucial for humans to verify the accuracy of the information provided. Consequently, on topics with divergent perspectives, ChatGPT may produce statements that appear odd.

The applications of ChatGPT include assisting in tasks such as creating templates for business emails or conducting performance comparisons. However, there is an ongoing debate about the associated risks when users have unrestricted control over ChatGPT, as the information it deems as "correct" may not always be accurate.

Furthermore, in academic contexts, concerns have been raised about the ability of ChatGPT-generated text to evade plagiarism checkers. Consequently, educational institutions are urged to develop appropriate measures, such as formulating questions that consider the utilization of ChatGPT.

It has been suggested that in ten years, the use of AI systems like ChatGPT could become widespread.

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