Improve your English speaking skills. Chunking improves fluency

This video provides 5 tips to improve your speaking skills for those who want to improve their English.

Instructor Keith provides advice to help you improve your score on the IELTS speaking test. He focuses on learning speaking through listening, using automated vocabulary, improving fluency, pushing your comfort zone to gain confidence, and choosing the right tools.


"Learning to speak by listening" emphasizes the importance of learning natural English through listening, and explains that it can be expected to improve pronunciation and understanding of context.

"Automating Vocabulary" shows you how to make new words and phrases come naturally to you through repetition and word modification (juggling).

Focus on Phrases teaches you how to improve your fluency by focusing on chunks of language and learning about language chunks like collocations and idioms. .

Pushing Your Comfort Zone explains the importance of pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone to build confidence and encourages you to build your confidence by having real conversations with others.

“Choosing the right tools” explains the importance of immersing yourself in real English situations and recommends the use of audio-texts and videos from native speakers in order to acquire English naturally. doing.


Finally, we conclude that by incorporating these tips into your daily practice, you will be on your way to success in the IELTS test.
