Habits that improve your English skills

Emma from mmmEnglish offers four specific ways to improve your English skills by doing things every day. She notes that language learning takes time, effort, and persistence, and stresses the importance of making language a part of your daily life in order to be successful.


1. pronunciation practice

Emma recommends practicing pronunciation daily. This is not to get rid of accents, but to speak clearly enough for others to understand. Many advanced learners, she says, have trouble communicating because of pronunciation problems. Emma recommends learning IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) and using her imitation lessons.


2. absorb English every day

Emma recommends creating opportunities to absorb English every day. This includes listening to podcasts and audiobooks, watching English movies and YouTube videos, and reading books and blog posts. The key is to find content that interests you and that you enjoy engaging in each day.


3. keep a journal

There are many benefits to writing daily. Emma suggests writing down some thoughts and ideas rather than writing an essay. This will help you recall new words and expressions and give you the opportunity to reflect on your own use of grammar and vocabulary.


4. participate in English discussions

Finally, Emma recommends participating in English discussions on topics of interest. It is important to join online communities and groups and actively exchange ideas and opinions. This will give you more opportunities to actually use English and improve your communication skills.

Partnership with Lingoda

Emma also mentions her partnership with Lingoda, an online language school that offers small classes with native-speaking teachers. Their Language Sprint program offers daily English lessons and a full or partial refund of tuition upon completion.


Additional Tips

Emma offers additional tips for incorporating these habits into your daily life. She recommends doing your research to find the right content and join the right community, and creating a regular schedule to integrate these activities into your daily life.



Emma concludes that incorporating these habits into daily life will definitely improve English language proficiency. She encourages viewers to try these methods and share their results. She also provides a link to her imitation lesson and encourages them to use this as part of their pronunciation practice.
