LIFE entertainment

For Game Capture Beginners | The Difference between Software Encoding and Hardware Encoding

Game capture cards can be equipped with

  • Software Encode
  • Hardware Encode

There are two types of processing formats: software encoding and hardware encoding.

Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and few people clearly understand the difference between them.
In this article, we will explain the differences between software encoding and hardware encoding, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Please use this as a reference when constructing a game playback environment.

What is a capture card?

A game capture board is used to record game screens such as PS4 and Nintendo Switch. By using a capture card together with recording software, you can record your voice at the same time while creating a video of the game in action.
There are different types of capture cards that can record game screens by importing them into a PC, or by using capture software itself, without the need for a PC.

What is an encoder?

An encoder is a device that can convert video data into another format. There are two types: hardware encoders and software encoders, which are essential for converting video data into streaming-ready data.
*Encoding is the process of converting data.

Software encoding

Software encoding is a form of processing that is executed using the capabilities of a PC. Processing takes place on a desktop or laptop. It has many functions and is highly customizable, allowing for a variety of productions during live streaming. Bit rates and video quality can be optimized, and updates are easy when upgrades to newer versions become available.
Software encoders offer the advantages of low cost and customizability, and one popular software encoder, OBS Studio, is available for free and is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.

One drawback is that the video encoding process is slower than with hardware encoders, since multiple programs run simultaneously on the PC and not all resources can be devoted to the encoding process.
In other words, software encoding performs better with higher PC specifications. If the specs are low, the video will be choppy and you will not be able to record comfortably. It is a good idea to check in advance that the PC specs you are using meet the recommended environment.

Hardware Encoding

Hardware encoding is a device designed specifically to encode, capture, compress, and convert video into a format suitable for live streaming or recording. Hardware encoders are more expensive.
Because hardware encoders are more expensive, television broadcasters tend to use hardware encoders. Because they specialize in encoding, they are faster than software encoders and can record game screens without problems, even with low PC specifications. Some hardware-encoding game capture boards allow recording and playback without the need for a PC.
Since hardware encoding does not allow adjustment of video quality, etc., it is suitable for TV and other live broadcasts where video quality is fixed. Conversely, it has the disadvantage of being less flexible than software encoding.


This section summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of hardware encoding and software encoding.

Advantages and disadvantages of software encoding


  • Low price
  • High flexibility in customization
  • Rich in functions
  • Easy to upgrade


  • Cannot record comfortably on PCs with low specs
  • Video encoding takes time
  • Delays occur
  • Not suitable for running multiple applications at the same time

Advantages and disadvantages of hardware encoding


  • High-speed encoding
  • Suitable for high-quality live streaming
  • Low latency
  • Short encoding latency
  • No processing slowdowns because it does not interfere with other applications


  • Fewer features
  • Difficult to upgrade
  • High price
  • Less flexible

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