game business

Can ChatGPT create a game like "Flappy Bird"?

In this video, they discuss an attempt to create a game similar to "Flappy Bird" using code written by ChatGPT. The game development process follows instructions provided by the GPT, without humans directly writing the code.

First, they set up the project using the Unity game engine and added art for the background and bird. Then, they had ChatGPT write a script to make the bird fly to the right while flapping its wings and copied and pasted that code. However, they encountered an issue where the bird flew off the screen, so they had ChatGPT write code to make the camera follow the bird.

Next, they created code to make the bird not move until the player clicked, flapping its wings, and waiting for the game to start. They also used AI-generated art.

When implementing the pipes as obstacles, there was a suggestion to have the pipes move to the left at a constant speed, but they pointed out that since the bird and camera were moving to the right, the pipes should actually be stationary, and ChatGPT agreed. They also had ChatGPT write code to make the bird tilt when moving up and down.

Furthermore, they implemented game over and scoring conditions, adjusting the code to increase the score when the bird passed through the pipes. They added the game ground and set it to continue infinitely. Finally, they adjusted the code to stop the camera and bird movement when the game over screen was displayed.

Lastly, they added a high-score system and fixed some issues to obtain a working high-score system.

As a result, they were able to create the game using ChatGPT without coding knowledge. However, there is still room for improvement, and they plan to tackle the development of more complex games in the future.

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