
How to Embed a Unity Game in WordPress - No Plugins or Coding Required

In this video, a method for easily uploading a Unity project to a WordPress site is introduced. Please note that the Unity version used is 2020.1.0 f1, and the steps may vary for other versions.

First, once your Unity project is complete, access the "Build Settings" menu and switch the platform to WebGL. Next, go to "Player Settings" and turn off the "Use Deterministic Compilation" option and set the "Compression Format" to "Disabled" as recommended.

Once these settings are done, click on "Build and Run" to test the project on the local host, as explained. Once you have confirmed that it works correctly, you are ready to upload the project to WordPress.

After the project is built, the video explains the steps to upload the necessary files (the "Build" folder, "Template Data" folder, and "index.html" file) to the public HTML folder of your hosting provider. Depending on the hosting provider, you may need to edit the .htaccess file or upload the files via FTP.

Finally, create a new page in WordPress and add HTML to embed the project. The video demonstrates using an iframe and specifying the width, height, and "allowfullscreen" attribute.
