
Making Money with ChatGPT: Perfect Combination with Affiliate Marketing!

In this video, we explain how to generate passive income by combining Audible's affiliate program with ChatGPT from GPT-4. Here are the steps summarized:

  1. Use ChatGPT to generate a list of 30 different book genres.
  2. Select one genre, for example, philosophy, and have ChatGPT generate a list of the top 5 books in that genre.
  3. Create a post about the chosen book using Canva. Each post should include the book's title and a detailed description.
  4. Register for Audible's affiliate program, which allows you to earn $5 when people sign up for a free trial.
  5. Include your affiliate link in the posts created with Canva, emphasizing that signing up for a free Audible trial will give them access to two free books.
  6. Upload these posts to social media platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Highlight the affiliate link in each post, so people can click on it to get free books through Audible.
  7. When people click on your link and sign up for Audible's free trial, you earn $5.

Please note that scaling beyond a certain point may be challenging due to intense competition in this business. If you're interested in learning more about other ways to grow an online business using AI or want detailed tutorials and business strategies, specific programs providing those resources are linked.
