
Generate AI illustrations using ChatGPT. Utilization techniques not only for sentence generation

This video explains how to easily generate high-quality illustrations using AI. Specifically, it utilizes OpenAI's language model, ChatGPT, and one popular image generation AI service called Midjourney.

In the video, the process begins by using ChatGPT to generate detailed descriptions of the illustrations. These descriptions are then fed into Midjourney, allowing it to generate illustrations based on the provided details. A demo is presented, showcasing the generation of an illustration of a "Pegasus" as a specific example.

It is emphasized that the quality of the illustrations generated by Midjourney is greatly influenced by the detailed descriptions provided by ChatGPT. The more detailed the descriptions, the better the quality of the resulting illustrations.

Information is also provided regarding Midjourney's terms of use and copyright, noting that commercial use requires becoming a paid member. Additionally, methods for saving images and keeping track of the generated artwork are explained.

Finally, it is highlighted that leveraging these tools makes it easier for game developers to generate their own game assets, streamlining the development process.
