

Welche Fahrgeräusche sind bei einer neuen PS5 zu hören? Beeinträchtigt es das Spiel?


A YouTube video tests what driving noise can be heard from a brand-new PS5. PS5 is as powerful as a high-spec gaming PC, so some people may be concerned about the fan and other driving noises. This section explains whether even a brand-new PS5 you just bought makes a driving noise and whether it affects your playing environment. Wie hört sich das Fahrgeräusch einer PS5 an? Sobald Sie ein Spiel auf Ihrer PS5 spielen, beginnt der Lüfter mit einem sirrenden Geräusch zu drehen. Sie werden feststellen, dass Sie neben dem Gebläse auch ein Geräusch hören, das wie ein "Geing" und ...


Cheap 144Hz gaming monitors for gaming and work

2022/7/15    ,

Refresh rate values in monitors are important when playing games. Especially in games that require instantaneous response, such as FPS, the performance of the monitor can make or break the game. The higher the refresh rate value, the smoother the screen rendering becomes, so the higher the value, the more comfortable game play becomes. Many people will also use their monitors for purposes other than gaming. This article introduces highly convenient monitors that can be used for work and hobbies, so you can find the monitor best suited for your own purposes. This article introduces 144Hz gaming monitors that are ...


Best Gaming monitors for PS5

2022/7/15    , ,

This article summarizes the monitors we recommend for playing PlayStation 5.Whether Full HD or 4K is better, or even 8K, we will introduce gaming monitors that can take advantage of PS5's performance while answering these questions. We hope this will be helpful for those who want to enjoy PS5 in high quality, experience smooth images at high refresh rates, or are looking for the best gaming monitor for PS5. PS5 Specifications Let's take a moment to review the PS5's specifications. This is because if you do not choose a monitor based on its specifications, you may end up choosing a ...