

90% of creators don't know how to use YouTube. Why you should add textual information to your videos as captions instead of embedding subtitles.


A lot of the videos uploaded to YouTube, we see many styles in which subtitles are embedded directly using editing software. We cannot necessarily assert that this is unnecessary, as the quality of a video can completely change depending on the taste and skill of the person editing it.However, this is only true when providing videos for the domestic market. Embedding text directly in the video means that the creators themselves are "making a video that will only be viewed by people who understand the language. Even if you are lucky enough to attract viewers from abroad, they will leave ...


What are the OTS rules for learning English easily?

2022/7/1    , ,

On Quora, the question "How can I learn English easily?" was posted on Quora.We have received many answers to this question, so we will introduce some of them below. OTS rules for languagesThey say that when you learn a new language, it means you are reborn into a new society.We listen, observe, imitate, and utter just like a newborn baby. These processes are important.The OTS rule of language is a rule proposed by one of the experts at EngVarta, an English learning app.O (observe), T (think), S (speak).He says it means to observe the language people speak while they are ...

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Is longer video better for YouTube? The optimal length of video that is more likely to be recommended by the algorithm.


The YouTube Creator Channel explains the optimal length of videos. This will be helpful for creators who have already uploaded videos and those who are planning to upload videos to YouTube. Is longer YouTube video more advantageous; is a one-hour video more likely to be recommended than a two-minute video?As it turns out, that is not true.YouTube always tries to present videos that are satisfying for the user. It seems that a satisfying video is not always a long video.Longer videos seem to have an advantage in YouTube's algorithm because of the increased viewing time. However, the length of the ...



What is "Adalo" for no-code smartphone app development? Monetization is also possible

2022/6/4    , ,

A video explaining the app development tool "Adalo" has been uploaded on the YouTube channel "Yuma Uchida | English Speaking App Development & Marketing.It is a tool that allows even programming beginners to develop with no code. It will be helpful for those who want to develop apps but want to make a simple app with the lowest learning cost possible. The tool "Adalo" can develop web and smartphone apps with no code. It is characterized by its ease of use, even for programming beginners, since it can be used by combining parts that have already been prepared.Since it is ...


What is the strategy for blog outsourcing that many people misunderstand? How to monetize your blog as an individual blogger


The YouTube channel "Osamu Yuki, Let's start a web business with blogging" talks about the strategy of outsourcing blog posts.Many people write their own articles on WordPress or Livedoor blogs. Writing blog posts is harder and more time-consuming than you might imagine. Everyone will wonder if someone else can do this tedious writing work for them.The method that comes to mind is to have someone else write the articles for you. Outsourcing blog posts frees up your time and saves you the trouble of writing them.The following video discusses strategies for outsourcing blog posts. Strategies for Outsourcing Blog Posts Minoru, ...


You can use it on YouTube! A channel where you can download free copyright-free background music for commercial use.


I want to use nice background music on YouTube.Playing background music that matches the content and atmosphere of the video can make the video more attractive to viewers; adding a gorgeous production element can attract viewers more than a simple video with no background music.In this article, we will introduce the effect that background music has on the viewer, what to consider when using background music, and channels where you can download copyright-free background music from YouTube.We will focus on Western channels, so this article is recommended for those who want to differentiate themselves from other videos with minor BGM ...


Review of Rytr, a low-cost tool for automatic text generation


Rytr Rytr allows you to automatically create written content such as YouTube video descriptions and blog posts.This tool is recommended for those who are not good at coming up with their own text or do not have time for writing.It will also save you money as well as time. It costs money to outsource the writing of blog posts to someone else. You have to pay a fee based on the number of words or a fixed unit price.The quality of articles written by outsourced writers varies, and you may not always get a satisfactory product.If you are not good ...


AI Writing Assistant Tool "Rytr" Review


Rytr is an AI writing assistant tool that can generate written content such as blog posts with a single click; it supports short descriptions such as YouTube video descriptions as well as longer content such as blog posts, and is recommended for those who are not good at writing.This article provides a comprehensive review of Rytr.   Rytr   Rytr Review Rytr saves you time. When you write an article, you use time. With Rytr, you can save both. With unlimited text generation for $29/month, this service is convenient for web writers. Suitable for a wide range of uses from ...


[Free to use] Explanation of how to use Rytr, which automatically generates sentences. Will it make writing blog posts easier?


Updating blog posts is quite difficult, isn't it? Thinking of a topic for an article Thinking about sentence structure Research Writing There are quite a few hurdles to overcome before an article is actually published.For this reason, many people are looking for ways to write blog posts as effortlessly as possible.Ideally, the articles should have a lot of content for the readers and be written in a logical structure.Logical writing requires thorough information gathering and good sentence structure, but many people may not be good at writing.This article introduces Rytr, an AI-based automatic sentence generation service for such people.This article ...


How to Earn Foreign Currency with an Adsense Blog that Transcends Language Barriers


Two mainstream methods of monetizing blogs are Google Adsense and affiliate marketing.Adsense generates revenue each time an ad is clicked, while affiliates earn a commission each time a product or service introduced on the blog is purchased.In this article, we will explain why we recommend Adsense for making money with your blog. Is Adsense hard to earn money? Often people say, "You can't make money with Adsense."This is because you need a large number of hits in order to earn a large sum of money with Adsense.As a rule of thumb, you need more than 1,000,000 PV to earn 300,000 ...