

Practice methods to improve your English speaking skills


This video explains how to practice to improve your English speaking. In particular, we focus on how you can practice your English when you don't have anyone to talk to. The method is ``learning English through imitation.'' This is not just repeating the words of a native speaker to improve your pronunciation, but also trying to reproduce the conversation or story you heard in your own words. Specifically, he proposes a method called ``easy-to-hard imitation,'' in which students start with small phrases and short sentences and gradually move on to larger sentences and full speeches. This allows for implicit learning ...

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How to Earn Money with Adsterra: A Comprehensive Guide


Adsterra is a platform where individuals can monetize their digital presence. Here's a concise overview of how to capitalize on Adsterra's offerings: Introduction to Adsterra: Adsterra offers a platform for CPA marketing, a model where brands pay partners based on a predefined action, not necessarily a purchase. The platform boasts a conversion rate of around 10%, which means 1 out of 10 people clicking on your link might complete the action. Getting Started: Sign up on Adsterra as an affiliate and explore the various offers available for promotion. The Importance of CPA: Cost-Per-Action (CPA) marketing is where one earns by ...


The Basic Concept of "Cashflow Quadrant" that Everyone Should Embrace


Robert Kiyosaki's concept of the "Cashflow Quadrant" explains the thin line between the wealthy and the poor. People in the left-side quadrants work for money, seeking security, while those in the right-side quadrants work for freedom, aiming to generate passive income. He outlines eight assets that can enrich individuals and enable them to earn income without actively working. Business: By starting and successfully running their own business, individuals can generate significant profits. While employees work hard for stable income, entrepreneurs establish businesses that initially require intense effort but eventually create assets that generate profits automatically. Real Estate: Real estate investments ...


Making Money with ChatGPT: Perfect Combination with Affiliate Marketing!

2023/7/15    ,

In this video, we explain how to generate passive income by combining Audible's affiliate program with ChatGPT from GPT-4. Here are the steps summarized: Use ChatGPT to generate a list of 30 different book genres. Select one genre, for example, philosophy, and have ChatGPT generate a list of the top 5 books in that genre. Create a post about the chosen book using Canva. Each post should include the book's title and a detailed description. Register for Audible's affiliate program, which allows you to earn $5 when people sign up for a free trial. Include your affiliate link in the ...


Generate AI illustrations using ChatGPT. Utilization techniques not only for sentence generation

2023/7/15    ,

This video explains how to easily generate high-quality illustrations using AI. Specifically, it utilizes OpenAI's language model, ChatGPT, and one popular image generation AI service called Midjourney. In the video, the process begins by using ChatGPT to generate detailed descriptions of the illustrations. These descriptions are then fed into Midjourney, allowing it to generate illustrations based on the provided details. A demo is presented, showcasing the generation of an illustration of a "Pegasus" as a specific example. It is emphasized that the quality of the illustrations generated by Midjourney is greatly influenced by the detailed descriptions provided by ChatGPT. The ...


Learning New Things Easily and Quickly with ChatGPT

2023/7/15    ,

In this video, we explore the experience of an individual who successfully educated themselves using AI (ChatGPT). They faced challenges in self-learning, such as exploring learning resources, creating a curriculum, and setting a study schedule. However, the introduction of AI led to significant progress in their ability to independently acquire learning skills and knowledge in various subjects. Here are six ways they utilized AI to aid their self-education journey: Applying the Pareto Principle: Using the principle that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes, they had AI create a learning plan focused on the topics they wanted ...


Is ChatGPT's Text Generation Capability Superior to Humans? The Future of Evolving AI Generators

2023/7/15    , ,

In this discussion, we explore ChatGPT, an AI system reportedly used by over 100 million users worldwide. One notable strength of ChatGPT lies in its impressive natural language generation capability. For instance, when comparing the phrases "The bread on the table was delicious" and "The bread was delicious from France," humans might find the latter a bit peculiar, whereas machines do not share the same perception. This raises a challenge where ChatGPT can generate expressions that humans might consider "machine-like." However, through extensive training on vast amounts of text, ChatGPT can avoid such expressions that would trigger the sense of ...

game business

Revolution in game development! Utilizing ChatGPT in Unity game development.

2023/7/14    ,

Mike, an AI researcher, introduces an experiment where AI is implemented in the Unity game engine. In this endeavor, OpenAI's ChatGPT, an AI model, is utilized and integrated into the Unity engine to create a program that responds to commands given to the AI. It should be noted that this is still in the proof-of-concept stage and not fully functional. As a demonstration, Mike gives the command to the AI to "create 100 cubes at random points," and the AI accurately executes the command by creating the cubes as instructed. Furthermore, various elements within the game, such as object movement, ...

game business

Can ChatGPT create a game like "Flappy Bird"?

2023/7/14    , ,

In this video, they discuss an attempt to create a game similar to "Flappy Bird" using code written by ChatGPT. The game development process follows instructions provided by the GPT, without humans directly writing the code. First, they set up the project using the Unity game engine and added art for the background and bird. Then, they had ChatGPT write a script to make the bird fly to the right while flapping its wings and copied and pasted that code. However, they encountered an issue where the bird flew off the screen, so they had ChatGPT write code to make ...


How to Embed a Unity Game in WordPress - No Plugins or Coding Required

2023/7/14    ,

In this video, a method for easily uploading a Unity project to a WordPress site is introduced. Please note that the Unity version used is 2020.1.0 f1, and the steps may vary for other versions. First, once your Unity project is complete, access the "Build Settings" menu and switch the platform to WebGL. Next, go to "Player Settings" and turn off the "Use Deterministic Compilation" option and set the "Compression Format" to "Disabled" as recommended. Once these settings are done, click on "Build and Run" to test the project on the local host, as explained. Once you have confirmed that ...