
Solutions for when you can't think of a blog post and how to write a slushy post.

When you start updating your blog posts, you may run into the wall of not being able to come up with an idea for a post. No matter how much you think about it, you cannot come up with an idea that can be made into an article, so you tend to rewrite an existing article at random or change the blog design for no reason anyway.
This kind of behavior is especially common among novice bloggers. Since they do not know how to structure articles or what articles are necessary for their blogs, if they run out of ideas, they will run out of motivation to update their articles at that point.
The articles that have been published so far will also stop attracting traffic, which will eventually lead to the blog being shut down.
In this article, we will discuss how novice bloggers can avoid running out of blog posts and how to write slick articles.

How to think when you can no longer come up with blog posts

When a blogger stops updating his/her blog because he/she can't think of anything to write about, many bloggers assume that there is no more material to write about.
They either become complacent and think, "I've posted dozens of articles, that's enough," or they compare their blog to other blogs and lose motivation.
The first premise to be aware of is that "I've run out of blog posts" is an assumption. It is basically impossible to run out of ideas for articles. There are an infinite number of ideas for articles.
Let me introduce some solutions to the problem of running out of ideas for articles.

Get information from the latest news

A large number of news articles are published on the Internet every day. Some of these news stories may be related to the topics you are running on your blog.
By writing new articles with trending information, you can attract readers to your blog that you have never had contact with before.
When you are running out of blog posts, try to think about what kind of posts you can write to make a connection with your readers.
For example, in the blogging industry, you can make contacts with people of various attributes regardless of genre.
Blog x businessman, blog x college student, blog x housewife, blog x nurse.
Who are the potential readers of your blog? Think of all the possibilities and you should be able to narrow down your ideas.

Also, questions may come to mind when reading the latest news. For example, if you read a press release article about a new product, does the question of where it will be available, when it will be available, and how much it will cost come to mind? This basic 5W1H information is usually presented within a news article, but rarely is it written.
The questions you have after reading the article may have been thought up by someone else. Simply summarizing the information you thought you wanted to know will make the article more relevant to your needs.
The way to increase blog traffic is to "publish articles that meet the search needs of your readers. This is the basic and royal road. (For SEO customer attraction)

Thorough keyword research

If you are having trouble coming up with blog posts, one way to break through is to do thorough keyword research, using tools such as Uber suggest or Google Keyword Planner to learn about keywords that you might not be able to come up with on your own.
The important thing to remember when writing blog posts based on keywords is to be open to keywords that are in demand. If they are keywords that you are not interested in or do not have knowledge of, you may give up writing at that point.
However, you cannot call yourself a blogger if you give up at this stage. Your job is to provide your readers with information they need. While you are being selective, the season will pass.

My personal recommendation is to use Google Keyword Planner to find out what keywords your competitors' sites are using.
Simply enter the URL of the page from "Start from Website" and you will be able to see what keywords the page is attracting traffic for.
This way, you can see the desires of maniacs and dodgy people, as keywords with small search volume will also be displayed. It is quite fun.
If an article appears at the top of the search results, the keywords that attract customers are solidified.
It will give you an idea of whether you can consistently attract customers.

How to write an article

Even if you have a solid article topic and are ready to start writing, it may be difficult to get started. You may spend hours finishing an article, wondering how to express yourself from the introduction.
Writing is an act of verbalizing your knowledge and thoughts. To be able to do so smoothly, you must gain experience.
There is a quick way to get started with writing.
It is to use an AI writing tool. Simply enter multiple keywords and the AI will automatically generate sentences or suggest an outline or suggested headline for your blog post.
The AI writing tool, Rytr, uses GPT-3 natural language processing technology to generate sentences optimized for individual cases, from blog posts to email writing.
Bloggers who have trouble coming up with the right words to write should definitely take advantage of this service.
However, this is a tool that provides human support. Human correction is essential, as it may result in unnatural sentences or sentences with unclear facts.


No need to rush to update articles.

When you start running a blog, you will feel a sense of urgency to update your articles. There is no need to frantically update articles on a daily basis, even though you are not forced to do so.
The best time to update articles is when you have a question in your daily life. Let's leave it as a blog post while we solve that question. Unless you are writing articles as your job, this kind of mindset is sufficient.
Mass production of low quality articles will not attract any traffic at all. It is better to occasionally update high quality articles written over a period of days, which will result in a blog that lasts.

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