
2022 MLB All-Star Games begin with Shohei Ohtani's interview summary, mentioning his participation in the WBC

The 2022 MLB All-Star Game has begun, and the first day was very exciting with the Home Run Derby. The winner was J. Soto, who played against Shohei Ohtani in the first round last year.

There was also a surprising turn of events, as the very experienced Albert Pooholes, who is set to retire after this season, won the first round.

Shohei Ohtani did not participate in the Home Run Derby, but was seen at the ballpark signing autographs for fans and giving interviews.

In this issue, we summarize the content of Shohei Ohtani's interview.

2022 MLB All-Star Interview with Shohei Ohtani

How do you feel this year's All-Star season is different from last year's?

Last year was my first time participating, so I was nervous, but this year is my second time, so I think I am enjoying it more than last year.

Who are you looking forward to seeing in the Home Run Derby?

(I would like to see and look forward to seeing Puhols (since we were once teammates).

Will you be pitching for the All-Stars tomorrow?

I won't pitch in the All-Star game to fit in the second half of the season. It would be too athletic.

Last year's All-Star was a flurry of activity, but did you have time to communicate with the other players?

Last year, I talked with the players in the locker.

Do you enjoy interacting with other players?

It's a good opportunity because we don't share lockers and we don't get to talk on the field very often.

What about being able to play against Kershaw pitchers?

I haven't been able to get a hit yet, so I want to try to get a pitch close to a lost pitch.

What do you think about Kershaw starting?

He has been a top MLB player since he was in school, so I am looking forward to being able to compete.

You like the Angels, does Anaheim feel like your hometown?

I don't get out of the house very often, but I like Anaheim because it is a beautiful city and people call out to me when I walk around.

Are you confident that the Angels can win in the future?

We have been on a bad streak, but I would like to use the vacation period as an opportunity to turn it into a winning streak.


There are rumors that you will be traded in the future.

I don't know what will happen in the future, so I will concentrate on what I can do one game at a time. I can't control the trade, so I will do what I can do.

I am confident that we can win, but there were many injuries and things did not go as planned. We have a lot of talented players, so I want to try to create a flow that allows us to win.

How do you feel about the fact that your team is beginning to be recognized in the U.S.?

I am happy if I can enjoy baseball and bring happiness to the people who watch me.

There were many people who supported me, and I am grateful for that.

Are you surprised by the attention you have received at the All-Star games?

I don't know how much attention I'm getting, but I get to talk to a lot of players and I'm grateful just to be able to play here.

How would you rate your performance so far?

I made it through the first half of the season without any injuries, but there was still more I could do for the team. My physical level has improved, so I can play every game without any worries.

You have yet to get a hit against Kershaw, what do you find difficult?

His timing and command, and his ability to reproduce each pitch and lose pitches. He is one of the most complete pitchers in the game.

What do you think about the Angels?

There are many talented players, but they haven't created a good image yet, so they need to play games that will give them a chance. I don't know about trades.

What do you think about the Angels' acquisition of a two-way player?

I am glad that the Angels have created a framework for two-sport players.

Do you have any advice for baseball players who are chasing their dreams?

I want them to enjoy everything outside of baseball.

How was the atmosphere at the event?

Last year I was a bit nervous, but this year I am enjoying it more than last year.

Have you talked about extending your contract with the team?

No, I have not. I am not involved in contractual matters and leave them to my agent.

Regarding the praise you receive from other players for your success as a two-sport athlete

I feel it is more special to be mentioned by the players I play with on the MLB stage than by fans or team officials.

How do you feel about being noticed around the world?

As a player, I am happy, and I would be happy if more kids play baseball.

You have had some injuries so far, but is everything going as planned?

Not everything has gone as planned, but with the support of the baseball team, I have been able to continue the season smoothly to some extent.

Otani's success has been reported in Taiwan as well. Do you have any words for the children playing baseball in Taiwan?

There were many enthusiastic fans. I want as many people as possible to become interested in baseball.

Do you have a desire to participate in next year's WBC?

Of course I would like to participate. I had some injuries that prevented me from playing, but I would like to play in the WBC if I am selected.

You have less work to do than last year, but do you have more time on your mind?

I know how the two days will go, so I want to concentrate more on hitting.

The number of for-balls has decreased, but what kind of change is that?

My physicality is more stable. The quality of my pitches is better than last year, and I am able to attack more aggressively.

