Why you should move on even if you don't fully understand when learning English

Steve Kaufman states that listening and reading comprehension are the most important goals in language learning. He emphasizes the importance of accepting imperfect understanding without trying too hard to understand it completely. He explains that by gradually improving your understanding, your speaking ability will eventually improve as well.

Kaufman points out that aiming for complete understanding is an obstacle when studying a language, and advises that you should move forward even if you only have 60% or 40% understanding. He quotes German neuroscientist Manfred Spitzer, who says, "The brain needs repetition and novelty." He explains that a balance between repetition and transition to new material leads to effective learning.

He also uses the analogy of a lawnmower, comparing language learning to mowing a lawn. He explains that just as you start by mowing on a high setting and gradually lower the blade, cutting a little bit each time, you should also gradually develop your understanding of the language. This method allows the brain to become accustomed to the language and gradually improves understanding, Kaufman said.

Kaufman's message focuses on the importance of increasing understanding gradually, rather than striving for perfect understanding, and the importance of accepting imperfect understanding and continuing to move forward. He concludes that if your listening and reading comprehension improves, your speaking ability will also improve.
