
How to think and speak in English without translating in your head? How to Speak Fluent English in Everyday Life

The channel "Speak English With Tiffani" explains how to think and speak fluently in English.
For many people who translate English in their minds, understanding English as it is in English without translation in their minds is a goal.
Translating slows down the speed of understanding and interferes with interpersonal conversations. Get into the habit of thinking in English to hone your speaking skills.

She talks about the importance of the "5W method" for thinking in English; 5W stands for "Who," "What," "When," "Where," and "Why.
Since she is an English teacher, she explains English vocabulary in the video, which includes many useful parts even for beginners of English. It is very useful as English learning content.
If English is not your first language, use the videos to understand English as it is. Do not try to translate them in your head.


Let's go back to the 5W's mentioned earlier.
Using the example of a man in training, we will make up sentences. The sentences you create here can be in a fictitious setting; just think of sentences in English that satisfy the 5Ws.
This is all you need to do.
Think of a sentence based on the 5Ws in your life.


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