How to increase English vocabulary and online learning

Steve Kaufman talks about the connection between reading comprehension and vocabulary growth in language learning. He emphasizes the importance of doing different learning activities and explains that each activity helps in language learning in a different way. For example, he says that conversation groups practice using words you already know, while listening can strengthen your passive vocabulary and improve your comprehension.

Kaufman cites reading as the main way to learn new vocabulary. He explains the difference between extensive reading and intensive reading, and how these methods can help you learn new words. In particular, he says that reading a physical book is the best reading experience, and being able to read a novel in a language is a major milestone.

He also talks about online reading comprehension, saying that reading with online dictionaries using LingQ is a "language mine" where you can absorb new words and gradually make them part of your passive vocabulary. explains. He says it is effective to combine reading comprehension activities with both extensive and intensive reading, and emphasizes that reading for pleasure leads to sustained learning.

Kaufman concludes that reading is the most efficient way to acquire new vocabulary, and states that it is best to combine different types of reading comprehension activities.
