
Shohei Ohtani presents a batting glove to an Orioles fan man immediately after his No. 19 home run.

Orioles vs. Angels on July 9, 2022. In that day's game, Shohei Ohtani hit a home run, his 19th of the season, in his fifth at-bat.
He had two hits so far and the Angels were leading 3-2.
He hit a home run just left of center to increase the score to 4-2.


With two runs in the ninth inning, the team looked relieved.
However, in the bottom of the ninth inning, defender Iglesias hit back-to-back hits, and the Angels lost the game in a surprise goodbye loss.

Shohei Ohtani returned to the bench after hitting a home run and handed his batting glove directly to a man sitting in the audience next to the bench. The man seemed pleased to receive it.
We do not know if he was just another spectator or if he knew the man, but it seems that he was communicating with Shohei Ohtani during the game.
This kind of fan service by Otani is rare, so he was super lucky.
