
What is the oldest language in the world?

A YouTube channel called World Data has uploaded a video comparing the history of languages in different countries. The video provides a visual representation of how long each language has been in use.

At the same time, you can see how many speakers of each language there are. This can be helpful when you want to know the scale of a language.

The oldest languages in the world

Modern English: 600 years

Korean: 650 years

Italian: 700 years

Vietnamese: 800 years

Hindi: 800 years

Portuguese: 900 years

Swahili: 1,000 years

Ukrainian: 1,000 years

Urdu: 1,000 years

Spanish: 1,000 years

Burmese: 1,050 years

Hungarian: 1,100 years

Russian: 1,100 years

Bengali: 1,100 years

Filipino: 1,120 years

Polish: 1,150 years

Malayalam: 1,200 years

Japanese: 1,200 years

German: 1,260 years

Thai: 1,280 years

Turkish: 1,300 years

Javanese: 1,300 years

Bahasa: 1,300 years

French: 1,300 years

Dutch: 1,400 years

Punjabi: 1,400 years

Malay: 1,500 years

Odia: 1,500 years

Romanian: 1,700 years

Icelandic: 1,800 years

Telegue: 1,800 years

Canatonese: 1,900 years

Finnish: 2,000 years

Kannada: 2,000 years

Arabic: 2,000 years

Basque: 2,200 years

Georgian: 2,300 years

Marathi: 2,300 years

Farsi: 2,500 years

Armenian: 2,600 years

Macedonian: 2,700 years

Latin: 2,700 years

Irish gaelic: 3,000 years

Wu: 3,000 years

Aramaic: 3,500 years

Greek: 3,800 years

Sumerian: 4,000 years

Lithuanian: 4,000 years

Mandarin: 4,500 years

Hebrew: 4,500 years

Coptic: 4,500 years

Sanskrit: 5,000 years

Tamil: 5,000 years

