Do you program because you are interested? Or because you can make money? What is the public's answer to your concern?

One post on Twitter is getting a lot of attention.
It is a post directed at people who work in coding, asking, "Do you do that work because you can make money?" The post asks, "Are you doing it because it pays?
Coding jobs tend to have higher incomes, but for those who are only doing this job for the money, it is a thought-provoking question.
The post has received many replies. Here are some of them.

Are you interested in coding because it works, or do you actually enjoy the work?

When I read the replies, I found that many people enjoy coding. Of course, many people answered both.
There were a few who said they were coding just for the money.
Coding is a job that requires skill. It is not an easy job that can be continued only for money.
Unless you have the ability to solve problems on your own, you will never be able to love coding.

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