
[Free to use] Explanation of how to use Rytr, which automatically generates sentences. Will it make writing blog posts easier?

Updating blog posts is quite difficult, isn't it?

  • Thinking of a topic for an article
  • Thinking about sentence structure
  • Research
  • Writing

There are quite a few hurdles to overcome before an article is actually published.
For this reason, many people are looking for ways to write blog posts as effortlessly as possible.
Ideally, the articles should have a lot of content for the readers and be written in a logical structure.
Logical writing requires thorough information gathering and good sentence structure, but many people may not be good at writing.
This article introduces Rytr, an AI-based automatic sentence generation service for such people.
This article summarizes our impressions of the actual use of Rytr.

What is "Rytr"?

Rytr is a web service that uses AI to automatically generate sentences according to themes such as blog posts and sales writing.
In addition to automatic text generation, Rytr has useful functions for updating blog posts, such as rewriting and expanding written content.
Not only blog posts
Social networking posts
advertising text
YouTube video summary section
It can also be used for a wide range of applications. The tone of the text can also be changed depending on the medium in which the text is published.

In addition, by entering a single keyword, blog post structure and ideas can be automatically generated with a single click.
This solves the problem of not being able to come up with ideas for blog posts.
Rytr is global and supports more than 30 languages.
All languages can be auto-generated even with the free plan.

Paid Plan or Free Plan

Rytr offers a free plan, but the number of characters it can generate is limited to 5,000 per month.
If you are a frequent writer, you will quickly run out of characters.
Therefore, if you want to make full use of the service, you will need to register for a paid plan.
Basically, the only difference between plans is the number of characters that can be generated.
Credit cards are accepted for payment, and since the service uses an international credit card payment service called "stripe," you can use the service overseas with peace of mind.

Rytr is inexpensive

At first glance, Rytr may seem expensive, but it is considerably less expensive than other AI writing services.
For example, a similar service, Jarvis AI, costs $59 per month for 50,000 words. There is a difference in price for the same number of characters.
Jarvis AI does not have an unlimited-character plan, so if you want to generate text without worrying about the number of characters, Rytr is a better choice.
Since automatic text generation services require human intervention to finalize the text, the structure and the number of characters are more important than the quality of the text.
If you write many articles per month, we recommend the Unlimited plan for $29/month. The free plan will run out in about 10 minutes.
Since the number of words counts not only for sentence generation but also for rewriting, if you are a web writer or blog contributor on a regular basis, you should run out of 50,000 words/month quickly.

How to use Rytr

Let us explain the steps to actually use Rytr.
If you have a Google account, you can easily create an account.

▶▶▶ Select "Start Ryting".

Then login with your Google account.
You can switch plans from "Account" in the upper left corner of the screen.
There is also a graph where you can see how many words you have generated. If you are on the free plan, you will have to keep an eye on how many words you have left to write.
You will actually generate sentences.
In this case, we will use the "Blog idea & Outline" use case to generate an article about "SEO writing.
Clicking on "Ryte for me" will instantly generate a title and headline idea for the blog post.

Beware of plagiarism

It is important to note that the generated text may already be in use. Therefore, you will need to rewrite the text if necessary.
To find out if a sentence is already in use, use the plagiarism function.
Select a sentence and click on "Plagiarism" and it will search for the same sentence on the Internet and display it for you.

Rewrite function

Rytr has a rewrite function for texts. This rewrite function will be used more frequently.
Simply select a sentence and click "Rephrase".
The rewrite accuracy is not perfect, so you will need to use it in combination with the "Command" and "Improve" functions, and eventually you will need to adjust the text yourself.

  • Expand
  • Shorten
  • Append

and other features to expand written content, it is a good idea to try the free plan first.

Can also be used as an editor

A useful feature of Rytr is that it can also be used as a draft editor for blogs.
It also supports uploading images and setting links, making it useful for stocking up on article topics.

Too much too soon and it locks up.

When using Rytr, it is important to note that if you generate text too fast, it will be locked and unusable for a certain period of time.
The message "Slow down! You are generating too fast. The AI might get confused.
There is nothing you can do about it, so the only thing you can do is wait until the lock is released.
After about 15 minutes, you should be able to use the system again.

How to use Rytr

Time & Money

We have actually used Rytr and have considered how it should be utilized.
The most important advantage of using Rytr is that it saves time and money.
If you write your own blog posts, you use your own time; if you hire someone else to do the writing, you use money.
With Rytr you can save both of these.

Quality of content

AI text generation tools are not yet perfect.
This is because AI does not live in the analog real world like humans do.
There is no doubt that we are approaching an era in which it will be commonplace to use human + AI to create sentences, rather than just human or AI alone.
AI may be able to produce more readable and valuable content because it can show us perspectives and structure ideas that we would never have thought of on our own.

