
How to make money with Amazon associates on Twitter. Easy way to make money.

One of the affiliate methods is Amazon asocciaates, which allows you to earn a referral fee if you refer products sold by Amazon and they are purchased.
It is easy for beginners to get started because affiliate links can be posted directly on blogs, Twitter, and other sites.
Furthermore, by using AI writing tools, you can rewrite product descriptions in an easy-to-understand manner and turn even short sentences into attractive expressions.
In this article, we will show you how to use Rytr to introduce Amazon products on Twitter.


Sign up for Amazon Associates

First, you need to register as an Amazon Associate. To register, you must have your own website or social networking account.
Since Amazon Associate works well with Twitter, we will use Twitter as an example.

In order to actually earn affiliate commissions by introducing Amazon products, your site or social networking site must be approved.
You must have at least 3 qualified sales within 180 days of registering your site. Therefore, accounts with a large number of followers beforehand are more likely to achieve results.
Failure to meet this requirement will result in the deletion of your associate account and you will have to start over again with registration.
You must not purchase any products yourself from the affiliate link in order to fulfill the requirements. In the worst case scenario, your account may be permanently suspended for violating the terms and conditions.

Generating affiliate links from Amazon

Once you register your site with Amazon Associates, you will be able to generate affiliate links from Amazon sales pages. You can also generate links from your mobile phone, but it is more difficult to operate than on a computer.
The "Associate Toolbar" appears at the top of the screen, from which you can generate text links; you can also post affiliate links directly to Twitter by selecting the Twitter icon.
When posting, it is a good idea to include product features and descriptions. If the product is a time sale item, it is also a good idea to include the discount rate.

Use Rytr when listing product descriptions.

When posting on Twitter, you can easily catch the attention of Twitter users by including an original description.
In such cases, you can use an AI writing tool called Rytr, which automatically generates sentences.
Rytr is available free of charge for up to 5,000 words per month.
It can expand, rewrite, and shorten existing sentences, allowing you to generate sentences optimized for Twitter.
Because Twitter has a limit on the number of characters that can be posted, the skill to convey the appeal of a product even in short sentences is required. For those who are not good at this type of sales writing, Rytr can be a powerful support tool.

From an Amazon product page, excerpt the title or description and paste it into Rytr's editor.
Then, by using features like "Rephrase" and "Shoren," you can convert the selected text. This can be applied to your own blog, etc., as the original text is generated so that it does not become a copy and paste of the text.
Once you post on Twitter, you have to wait for the product to be purchased. Affiliates are left to the user to decide whether or not the product will be purchased.
In order to increase conversions as much as possible, you need to actively communicate with users and try to increase your followers by "likes" and "retweet" your posts.
Waiting will not lead to results.

How to increase affiliate commissions

Amazon has several easy ways to earn affiliate commissions.

Seasonal products

You can increase your affiliate commissions by introducing seasonal products. During times of the year when there is a demand for special products, such as Christmas and Halloween, more users will shop on Amazon.
Products that appear on Twitter timelines may happen to be purchased because they coincide with something the user has been wanting.
Since Twitter is a passive social networking site that is often used during gaps in time, low-priced products are likely to sell well.

Amazon Deals

Amazon updates time-sale items on a daily basis. A lower price on a product is a reason for consumers to purchase it.
In addition, products are more easily sold during regular "Amazon Time Sale" and "Amazon Prime Day" because the discount rates are larger.
On these sale days, you will see a large number of Amazon-related hashtags on your Twitter timeline.

Cautions for Amazon Affiliates

Spamming is prohibited by Amaon Affiliates. For example, you may not reply to another person's tweet that is getting a lot of attention with an affiliate link.
This type of spamming will result in suspension of your Amazon Associate account. Once you have been suspended, it will take some time before you are able to use the service again.

Do not post too many affiliate links.

Posting too many affiliate links on Twitter can lead to unfollowing. It is annoying for users when a large number of product sales are posted on their timelines.
Users will follow accounts that are posting useful information.
Posting affiliate links should be limited to 10-30% of your posts.
Also, when posting affiliate links, tweet them in a humorous manner or add value-added information to make them less likely to be shunned. Such tweets are more likely to be retweeted.
On Twitter, tweets that are "unexpected" or tweets that you want many people to know about are more likely to be spread.
When a post with an affiliate link is retweeted, affiliate earnings explode.

Check your Amazon Associate earnings

You can check the number of clicks and conversion rate per day on the Amazon Associates sales report page.
You can learn which products were ordered via product links, which can help you improve your Twitter management.

Amazon associates


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